In this unique 2024 educational series, Alice E. Duvernell, MA in Ethno-botany and private cosmetic formulator, will be sharing her knowledge about taste and phytonutrients; artisan aromatherapy and essential oil making; as well as advanced botanical extraction techniques. These classes are a culmination of her accumulated experience during her 20 years of studying alchemy, plants, spices, minerals, bees, homeopathy, perfumery and aromatics.
Alice's teaching style is turned to the future: her classes are filled with modern alchemy, biophilia formulation approaches and the development of a practice of deep connection and understanding of Nature in order to create the most potent medicine and botanical extracts. Just like the farm to table movement, Alice teaches us how to connect with your environment in order to find sustainable resources to create unique skincare and healing botanical based recipes and foods that are the present solutions of tomorrow. Come and discover the deep connection offered through these classes: a world where science and magic work hand in hand.